With field operations around the United States, we not only aim to save victims of forced labor or prostitution, we want to eliminate the problem of traffickers, the people involved in getting men, women, and children in horrible situations. Trafficking does not strictly happen in a far-off foreign land like what's portrayed in Hollywood movies; more often than not, it happens right here, in the United States of America. Trafficking and exploitation does not discriminate, it can happen in an upper class municipality just as easily as it can happen in a poverty-stricken neighborhood. Traffickers are not only members of organized crime; they can be a boyfriend, brother, friend, grandmother, boss, even mother and father, to name a few. It's unfortunate, but it happens. The reality of the industry is, a trafficker can be someone close to the victim. With your help, we can take these survivors out of a very dark place and return them to a life worth living.
Human Trafficking in the U.S. is a $9.8 billion dollar industry
Worldwide, almost 20% of all human trafficking victims are children
Help us fight until zero trafficking and exploitation exists
Whether it's a one-time gift or a monthly membership, your donation means not only the world to us, but it means everything to the survivors. Your donation goes toward:
Medical and therapeutic help
Community reintegration
Finding the survivors a loving foster family, or bringing them back to their families